Qmatey (v0.5.1) is a quantitative metagenomic/microbiome taxonomic binning and profiling pipeline. Using the NCBI MegaBLAST, it implements a fast exact matching algorithm for strain-level profiling. For species to phylum level profiling, it implements exact-matching of consensus sequence (EMC) that is unique to each taxa (e.g. at species-level, valid hits will match uniquely to each species name; at genus-level, valid hits will match uniquely to each genus name). Qmatey can also perform simulation of mock/synthetic communities using their whole genome assemblies.
If you have any feedback pertaining to Qmatey’s operation, please contact Bode Olukolu (bolukolu@utk.edu).
git clone https://github.com/bodeolukolu/Qmatey.git
Qmatey_dir/Qmatey install
Before running Qmatey, make sure you have created a project directory with the required files (config.sh, *.taxids, fasta/fastq files in samples folder, and reference fasta files in norm_ref folder)
From the command line, type:
$ bash <path-to-Qmatey-directiry/Qmatey> <path-to-project-directory>
A project directory should contain the following sub-directories:
If necessary, install the lftp tool. For more details about tool: https://lftp.yar.ru/lftp-man.html
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install lftp
To obtain an NCBI sequencing database, go to the FTP site ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/. Create a database directory and select the sequencing database from the FTP site you wish to obtain using the following commands:
mkdir database_directory
cd database_directory
wget ftp ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/nt*.tar.gz
Next, uncompress the database files and delete the original .tar.gz files:
for f in nt*.tar.gz; do tar xzf "$f"; done
rm nt*.tar.gz
Your database directory should now have the desired, uncompressed database files, and ready to use. To perform megablast with multiple databases, provide uncompressed database files in the same directory.
To limit search of taxon in database, list of all taxids of interest within specific taxonomic groups (*.taxids files in examples folder) can be specified in MegaBLAST search. -basis for excludinng taxa: large multicellular organisms (plants and animals) are often host rather than players within metagenomic communities. -mitigating false negatives due to endophytic microbial sequences assembled as host sequence: organisms, particularly multicellular ones, often present a problem for exact-matchign for metagenomic studies. These genome sequences/assemblies often contain contaminating sequences from endophytic/epiphytic organisms. To avoid false negatives, exact matching is only performed among individuals within higher order taxonomic group (e.g. same phylum).
-**pre-selected taxids (Viruses)**: 10239
-**pre-selected taxids (Bacteria)**: 2
-**pre-selected taxids (Archaea)**: 2157
-**pre-selected taxids (Protista/Protista-like)**: 554915,554296,2608109,2686027,590648,2608240,2611352,2489521,2795258,2611341,2598132,2698737,660925,2683617,2686024,127916,98350,2018064,2687318,28009
-**pre-selected taxids (Algea/Algea-like)**:3027,2763,38254,2806169,3041,96475,2218517,131220
-**pre-selected taxids (Fungi)**: 4751
-**pre-selected taxids (Oomycota)**: 4762
-**pre-selected taxids (Nematoda)**: 6231
-**pre-selected taxids (Arthropoda)**: 6656
Exlcuded taxon
Opisthokonta (except unicellular organisms, Fungi, Oomycota, Nematoda, Arthropda)
Viridiplantae (except unicellular organisms, Algea)
To make generate a custom list of taxids.list, use the NCBI entrez-direct and BLAST tool get_species_taxids.sh as shown in script included with the Qmatey download (misc folder).
Provide fasta and map_taxids files. Qmatey will use NCBI BLAST tool, makeblastdb, and these files to create the custom database. Example files are provided with the Qmatey download (examples) folder.
Using a text editor, save a file containing any of the following variables as ‘config.sh’ file and include it in your project directory.
General parameters
Variable | Default | Usage | Input | required/Optional |
threads | na | number of cores/processors | integer | Optional |
cluster | false | run on compute cluster node (default: slurm) or workstation | true or false | Optional |
samples_alt_dir | false | links samples in separate directory to project directory | true or false | Optional |
lib_type | RRS | original input data: RRS (reduced representation sequence e.g. GBS), WGS (shotgun whole genome sequence), or 16S/ITS/amplicon | string | required |
HDsubsample | false | high-density subsampling uses reads with all combination of motifs flanking reads | string | Optional |
subsample_shotgun_R1 | true | subsample reads based on? REnase motifs, true(ATGCAT) or false. specify different REnase instead of true | string | Optional |
subsample_shotgun_R2 | true | subsample reads based on? REnase motifs, true(CATG) or false. specify different REnase instead of true | string | Optional |
shotgun_min_read_length | 100 | minimum read length after subsampling | string | Optional |
Simulation parameters
Variable | Default | Usage | Input | required/Optional |
simulation_lib | complete_digest | generate sequence reads in silico (complete_digest, partial_digest, or shotgun) | string | Optional |
simulation_motif_R1 | ATGCAT | genome fragmentation based on: (i) REnase site motif(s) or (ii) random | string | Optional |
simulation_motif_R2 | CATG | genome fragmentation based on: (i) REnase site motif(s) or (ii) random | string | Optional |
fragment_size_range | 64,600 | minimum and maximum genomic fragment size (comma-separated) | string | Optional |
max_read_length | 150 | maximum read length for each of R1 and/or R2 reads | string | Optional |
gcov | 3 | whole genome sequencing coverage | string | Optional |
Variable | Default | Usage | Input | required/Optional |
normalization | na | to compute relative abundance using various methods | true or false | Optional |
Variable | Default | Usage | Input | required/Optional |
blast_location | na | local,remote, or custom | string | required |
local_db | na | directory: ./ncbi_db/nt/nt | comma delimited string(s) | required |
taxids | na | files mapping fasta sequences to taxid(s) | true or false | Optional |
input_dbfasta | na | provide fasta file if custom database | string | Optional |
map_taxids | na | provide files mapping fasta sequences to taxid(s) if custom database | string | Optional |
Taxonomic_Profiling_and_Filtering |Variable |Default |Usage |Input |required/Optional| |:————-|:————-|:————-|:————-|:—————-| |taxonomic_level|na|strain,species,genus,family,order,class,phylum|string|Optional| |min_percent_sample|5,10,20|percentage of missing hits per sample allowed|comma delimited integer(s)|Optional| |min_pos_corr|0.1,0.2,0.3|correlation coefficient threshold(s)|comma delimited decimal number(s)|Optional| |max_neg_corr|0.1,0.2,0.3|correlation coefficient threshold(s)|comma delimited decimal number(s)|Optional| |spearman_corr|na|Options: strain,species,genus,family,order,class,phylum|comma delimited string(s). Faster than CCLasso|Optional| |CCLasso_corr|na|Options: strain,species,genus,family,order,class,phylum|comma delimited string(s). Analysis might take hours to days|Optional|
Visualizations |Variable |Default |Usage |Input |required/Optional| |:————-|:————-|:————-|:————-|:—————-| |sunburst_taxlevel|na|strain,species,genus,family,order,class|comma delimited string(s)|Optional| |sunburst_nlayers|na|phylum,genus,species shown in sunburst|comma delimited string(s)|Optional|
Advanced parameters |Variable |Default |Usage |Input |required/Optional| |:————-|:————-|:————-|:————-|:—————-| |nodes|1|number of nodes|integer|Optional| |minRD|0|threshold excludes reads with erroneous base call(s); default (0=auto) is determined based on read depth distribution|integer|Optional| |fullqlen_alignment|false|full query length should be consumed/aligned, but allowing for upto 5% mismatch|true or false|Optional| |reads_per_megablast|na|batch size of reads/thread. Default: 1000/10000 (reads_per_megablast_burn_in=0/10000) for RRS/WGS and 100 for 16S/ITS/amplicon data|integer|Optional| |reads_per_megablast_burn_in|10000|reduces database size by performing burn-in MegaBLAST run. Default=0 for custom databases (i.e. no burn-in) |integer|Optional| |zero_inflated|0.01|exclude samples with proportion of zero taxa <= value|integer|Optional| |exclude_rRNA|true|exclude rRNA for qRRS/WGS data|true or false|Optional| |annotate_seq|false|generates gene ids and their abundance|true or false|Optional|
*Note: na indicates that variable is user-defined or intuitively hard-coded/computed.
Below is an example of a configuration file:
### General_parameters
# simulation_parameters
### Normalization
### MegaBLAST
### Taxonomic_Profiling_and_Filtering
### Visualizations
### Advanced_Parameters
Adams AK, Kristy BD, Gorman M, Balint-Kurti P, Yencho GC, and Olukolu BA. (2023) Qmatey: An automated pipeline for fast exact matching-based alignment and strain-level taxonomic binning and profiling of metagenomes. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 24 (6): bbad351.
Adams A, Landry D., Sykes V, Rickman T, Cham A, Timling A, Kelly H, McBeath JH, and Olukolu BA (2024) Maize Kernel-Associated Metagenomes Reveal Potential Microbe-Microbe Interactions that Underlie Fusarium Ear Rot Disease. Phytobiomes. doi.org/10.1094/PBIOMES-07-23-0074-R
Pre-Installation of R:
- To view R version (or to check if installed), from the terminal type:
$ python --version
- For Ubuntu, install R using apt:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install r-base
- For macOS, install using homebrew:
brew install r
**If samtools doesn't install properly:**<br />
While the installation of samtools are automated, the installation requires some dependencies. Consider typing the commands below in terminal: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install gcc $ sudo apt-get install make $ sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev $ sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev $ sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
**Problem with amount of memory and/or processors/cores specified:**<br />
**Problem with amount of memory and/or processors/cores specified:**<br />
Versioning will follow major.minor.patch semantic versioning format.